Released in 1973, ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ was truly the debut of Elton John as an entertainer. It showcased a fully developed pro in John who knew how to satisfy every segment of his audience, the album was design to be a blockbuster – and it was.
Perhaps not well known to most, John writes the music for most songs in 20 minutes or less and ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ was completed over just two weeks in France, after an aborted attempt to record in Jamaica.
Serving up such perfectly sculpted pop, rock, country, reggae, soul and R&B – the album comes together into a sensational rocking mosaic. It is an artist at the top of his talents and a testament to Elton’s power as a star and musician in the 70s and beyond.
Join Robin LaRose on Tuesday, October 5th @ 6 p.m. as he takes you back to 1973 with Elton John and ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’ only on Rock 101 – Vancouver’s Greatest Hits!
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Track List
- “Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding” 11:09
- “Candle in the Wind” 3:50
- “Bennie and the Jets” 5:23
- “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” 3:13
- “This Song Has No Title” 2:23
- “Grey Seal” 4:00
- “Jamaica Jerk-Off” 3:39
- “I’ve Seen That Movie Too” 5:59
- “Sweet Painted Lady” 3:54
- “The Ballad of Danny Bailey (1909–34)” 4:23
- “Dirty Little Girl” 5:00
- “All the Girls Love Alice” 5:09
- “Your Sister Can’t Twist (But She Can Rock ‘n Roll)” 2:42
- “Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting” 4:57
- “Roy Rogers” 4:07
- “Social Disease” 3:42
- “Harmony” 2:46